rOyal chamber foundation for africa
Foreword by
its Founder :
HRH Rev Dr Daniel Chidi Opara
This Foundation is focused on the alleviation of Poverty and Development of Infrastructure in Africa and Diaspora. This goal cannot be achieved alone but through working with all African Kingdoms, Queendoms, Chiefdoms and Diaspora. The partnership will enable job creation in different communities through Infrastructure development • Mining • Education • Sports • Agriculture • Chamber of Commerce • Skills Development • Monetization of Minerals and Carbon Credit. Before devoting his work fulltime to Royal Chamber Foundation For Africa (RCFFA), he served as the: • Counsel of Gospel Ministers of Nigeria • Chairman of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria • Chaplin General of Nigeria • Mission Director of International Missions by Fire in South Africa • Former Deputy Chairperson of all NGO’s in Gauteng • Former Envoy to Manna Kingdom • Envoy of Dakon Sovereign House of Africa • Former Chancellor to State of African Diaspora Royal Chamber • Former Roving Ambassador to State of African Diaspora Royal Chamber
Who we are
The name of the organisation is called the Royal Chamber Foundation For Africa (RCFFA). The RCFFA is a non-profit company registered on the 29/11/2021 with registration number 2021/120131/08113 The RCFFA is registered a non-for-profit company, and it strives to promote the revival of the African continents and advocate for the beautification of Africa through infrastructure development. The RCFFA’s Head office is in South Africa and has members around the world and the African continent in particular. The RCFFA has established regional offices in all countries, with specific attention to the Royal Kingdoms and their infrastructure need and to local African continental particularities. The RCFFA aims to provide its services to all its royal members/Kingdoms and the African community at large by, respecting all human dignity without discrimination based on cultural practices, race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, political alignment, socio-economic status, nationality, birthplace.
To liberate Africa economically and socially and to restore its Royalty
To contribute to economic growth through bringing non-recourse investment for development and strategic partnership with Traditional Leaders and Kingdoms of the African Continent